Jan 31, 2013

CARTER STUBBS is on the way...

I have a new play premiering in a few months. It is called CARTER STUBBS TAKES FLIGHT. A small, but scrappy theatre group in Denton, Texas commissioned it and I had a good time collaborating with them. They just announced the project on their website. It will play April 18-28, 2013. Here's a blurb:

Carter Stubbs is unhappy. His wife is unhappy. If his job could feel, it would also be unhappy. Suddenly besieged by a series of unfortunate occurrences he is driven to escape. On a strange Pacific island Carter is offered a chance to face his true nature and maybe, just maybe, chart a new direction for his future.

In addition, they asked me to put together a poster for the production. I sketched out a mock-up and then came out with a final product.

[click on images to see 'em bigger]

Sketchbook mock-up of CARTER STUBBS poster
And in full color...

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